Particle and Fibre Toxicology
Insecticide resistance of Anopheles sinensis and An. vagus in Hainan Island, a malaria-endemic area of China
Xiao-Guang Chen3  Guiyun Yan2  Liwang Cui4  Chunyuan Li3  Xuelian Chang2  Ning Zhou3  Daibin Zhong2  Yiji Li3  Qian Qin1 
[1] Department of Parasitology, Wenzhou Medical University, Wenzhou 325035, China;Program in Public Health, College of Health Sciences, University of California at Irvine, Irvine, CA 92697, USA;Key Laboratory of Prevention and Control for Emerging Infectious Diseases of Guangdong Higher Education Institutes, Department of Pathogen Biology, School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, Southern Medical University, Guangzhou, Guangdong 510515, China;Department of Entomology, Pennsylvania State University, State College, University Park, PA 16802, USA
关键词: Metabolic detoxification enzymes;    Ace-1 mutation;    Kdr mutation;    Insecticide resistance;    Anopheles vagus;    Anopheles sinensis;   
Others  :  811800
DOI  :  10.1186/1756-3305-7-92
 received in 2014-02-02, accepted in 2014-02-27,  发布年份 2014
【 摘 要 】


Malaria is one of the most important public health problems in Southeast Asia, including Hainan Island, China. Vector control is the main malaria control measure, and insecticide resistance is a major concern for the effectiveness of chemical insecticide control programs. The objective of this study is to determine the resistance status of the main malaria vector species to pyrethroids and other insecticides recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) for indoor residual sprays.


The larvae and pupae of Anopheles mosquitoes were sampled from multiple sites in Hainan Island, and five sites yielded sufficient mosquitoes for insecticide susceptibility bioassays. Bioassays of female adult mosquitoes three days after emergence were conducted in the two most abundant species, Anopheles sinensis and An. vagus, using three insecticides (0.05% deltamethrin, 4% DDT, and 5% malathion) and following the WHO standard tube assay procedure. P450 monooxygenase, glutathione S-transferase and carboxylesterase activities were measured. Mutations at the knockdown resistance (kdr) gene and the ace-1gene were detected by DNA sequencing and PCR-RFLP analysis, respectively.


An. sinensis and An. vagus were the predominant Anopheles mosquito species. An. sinensis was found to be resistant to DDT and deltamethrin. An. vagus was susceptible to deltamethrin but resistant to DDT and malathion. Low kdr mutation (L1014F) frequency (<10%) was detected in An. sinensis, but no kdr mutation was detected in An. vagus populations. Modest to high (45%-75%) ace-1 mutation frequency was found in An. sinensis populations, but no ace-1 mutation was detected in An. vagus populations. Significantly higher P450 monooxygenase and carboxylesterase activities were detected in deltamethrin-resistant An. sinensis, and significantly higher P450 monooxygenase, glutathione S-transferase and carboxylesterase activities were found in malathion-resistant An. vagus mosquitoes.


Multiple insecticide resistance was found in An. sinensis and An. vagus in Hainan Island, a malaria-endemic area of China. Cost-effective integrated vector control programs that go beyond synthetic insecticides are urgently needed.

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2014 Qin et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.

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