Source Code for Biology and Medicine
CellSegm - a MATLAB toolbox for high-throughput 3D cell segmentation
Arvid Lundervold2  Hans-Hermann Gerdes1  Dominik Michael Frei1  Tanja Kögel1  Erlend Hodneland1 
[1] Department of Biomedicine, University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway;Department of Radiology, Haukeland University Hospital, Bergen, Norway
关键词: Surface staining;    Nucleus staining;    High-throughput;    CellSegm;    Cell segmentation;    Automated analysis;   
Others  :  805211
DOI  :  10.1186/1751-0473-8-16
 received in 2012-11-27, accepted in 2013-07-30,  发布年份 2013
【 摘 要 】

The application of fluorescence microscopy in cell biology often generates a huge amount of imaging data. Automated whole cell segmentation of such data enables the detection and analysis of individual cells, where a manual delineation is often time consuming, or practically not feasible. Furthermore, compared to manual analysis, automation normally has a higher degree of reproducibility. CELLSEGM, the software presented in this work, is a MATLAB based command line software toolbox providing an automated whole cell segmentation of images showing surface stained cells, acquired by fluorescence microscopy. It has options for both fully automated and semi-automated cell segmentation. Major algorithmic steps are: (i) smoothing, (ii) Hessian-based ridge enhancement, (iii) marker-controlled watershed segmentation, and (iv) feature-based classfication of cell candidates. Using a wide selection of image recordings and code snippets, we demonstrate that CELLSEGM has the ability to detect various types of surface stained cells in 3D. After detection and outlining of individual cells, the cell candidates can be subject to software based analysis, specified and programmed by the end-user, or they can be analyzed by other software tools. A segmentation of tissue samples with appropriate characteristics is also shown to be resolvable in CELLSEGM. The command-line interface of CELLSEGM facilitates scripting of the separate tools, all implemented in MATLAB, offering a high degree of flexibility and tailored workflows for the end-user. The modularity and scripting capabilities of CELLSEGM enable automated workflows and quantitative analysis of microscopic data, suited for high-throughput image based screening.

【 授权许可】

2013 Hodneland et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.

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Figure 15. 222KB Image download
Figure 14. 136KB Image download
Figure 13. 34KB Image download
Figure 12. 67KB Image download
Figure 11. 78KB Image download
Figure 10. 77KB Image download
Figure 9. 84KB Image download
Figure 8. 29KB Image download
Figure 7. 17KB Image download
Figure 6. 43KB Image download
Figure 5. 15KB Image download
Figure 4. 139KB Image download
Figure 3. 16KB Image download
Figure 2. 20KB Image download
Figure 1. 59KB Image download
【 图 表 】

Figure 1.

Figure 2.

Figure 3.

Figure 4.

Figure 5.

Figure 6.

Figure 7.

Figure 8.

Figure 9.

Figure 10.

Figure 11.

Figure 12.

Figure 13.

Figure 14.

Figure 15.

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