Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases
Polytherapy with a combination of three repurposed drugs (PXT3003) down-regulates Pmp22 over-expression and improves myelination, axonal and functional parameters in models of CMT1A neuropathy
Daniel Cohen1  Serguei Nabirotchkin1  Rodolphe Hajj1  Mickaël Guedj1  Emmanuel Vial1  Michael W Sereda2  Klaus-Armin Nave3  Viviane Bertrand1  Fabrice Glibert1  Julie Foucquier1  Julien Laffaire1  Jonas Mandel1  Esther Graudens1  Yannick Pereira1  Aurélie Boucard1  Gwenaël Primas1  Nathalie Cholet1  Aude Milet1  Ilya Chumakov1 
[1] Pharnext, 11, rue des Peupliers, Issy-Les-Moulineaux, 92130, France;Department of Neurophysiology, University Medical Center, Robert Koch Str. 40, Göttingen, 37075, Germany;Department of Neurogenetics, Max Planck Institute of Experimental Medicine, Hermann-Rein-Strasse 3, Göttingen, 37075, Germany
关键词: Low dose;    CMT1A;    Synergy;    Sorbitol;    Naltrexone;    Baclofen;    Combination therapy;    Repurposing;    Systems Biology;   
Others  :  1138699
DOI  :  10.1186/s13023-014-0201-x
 received in 2014-09-09, accepted in 2014-11-24,  发布年份 2014
【 摘 要 】

Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 1A (CMT1A) is the most common inherited sensory and motor peripheral neuropathy. It is caused by PMP22 overexpression which leads to defects of peripheral myelination, loss of long axons, and progressive impairment then disability. There is no treatment available despite observations that monotherapeutic interventions slow progression in rodent models. We thus hypothesized that a polytherapeutic approach using several drugs, previously approved for other diseases, could be beneficial by simultaneously targeting PMP22 and pathways important for myelination and axonal integrity. A combination of drugs for CMT1A polytherapy was chosen from a group of authorised drugs for unrelated diseases using a systems biology approach, followed by pharmacological safety considerations. Testing and proof of synergism of these drugs were performed in a co-culture model of DRG neurons and Schwann cells derived from a Pmp22 transgenic rat model of CMT1A. Their ability to lower Pmp22 mRNA in Schwann cells relative to house-keeping genes or to a second myelin transcript (Mpz) was assessed in a clonal cell line expressing these genes. Finally in vivo efficacy of the combination was tested in two models: CMT1A transgenic rats, and mice that recover from a nerve crush injury, a model to assess neuroprotection and regeneration. Combination of (RS)-baclofen, naltrexone hydrochloride and D-sorbitol, termed PXT3003, improved myelination in the Pmp22 transgenic co-culture cellular model, and moderately down-regulated Pmp22 mRNA expression in Schwannoma cells. In both in vitro systems, the combination of drugs was revealed to possess synergistic effects, which provided the rationale for in vivo clinical testing of rodent models. In Pmp22 transgenic CMT1A rats, PXT3003 down-regulated the Pmp22 to Mpz mRNA ratio, improved myelination of small fibres, increased nerve conduction and ameliorated the clinical phenotype. PXT3003 also improved axonal regeneration and remyelination in the murine nerve crush model. Based on these observations in preclinical models, a clinical trial of PTX3003 in CMT1A, a neglected orphan disease, is warranted. If the efficacy of PTX3003 is confirmed, rational polytherapy based on novel combinations of existing non-toxic drugs with pleiotropic effects may represent a promising approach for rapid drug development.

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2014 Chumakov et al.; licensee BioMed Central.

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