Radiation Oncology | |
Atlas-based automatic segmentation of head and neck organs at risk and nodal target volumes: a clinical validation | |
Andreas Blumhofer2  Jean-François Daisne1  | |
[1] Radiation Oncology Dept, Clinique & Maternité Ste-Elisabeth, Place Louise Godin 15, 5000 – Namur, Belgium;Brainlab AG, Kapellenstraße 12, 85622 - Feldkirchen, Germany | |
关键词: Radiotherapy; Head and neck cancer; Automatic segmentation; | |
Others : 1153663 DOI : 10.1186/1748-717X-8-154 |
received in 2013-01-27, accepted in 2013-06-23, 发布年份 2013 | |
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2013 Daisne and Blumhofer; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.
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