Lipids in Health and Disease
Impact of extruded flaxseed meal supplemented diet on growth performance, oxidative stability and quality of broiler meat and meat products
Muhammad Sajid Arshad1  Muhammad Sohaib1  Muhammad Issa Khan1  Muhammad Faizan Haider1  Faqir Muhammad Anjum1 
[1] National Institute of Food Science and Technology, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan
关键词: Lipid stability;    PUFA;    Nuggets;    Flaxseed;    Extrusion;    Broiler meat;   
Others  :  1160082
DOI  :  10.1186/1476-511X-12-13
 received in 2012-12-15, accepted in 2013-01-31,  发布年份 2013
【 摘 要 】

This study was intended to explore the effect of extruded flaxseed meal supplemented diet on broiler growth performance, oxidative stability and organoleptic characteristics of broiler meat and meat products. 120 (day old) broiler chicks were randomly allotted to 12 experimental groups and fed on diets containing extruded flaxseed meal at 0, 5, 10 and 15%. The supplementation of extruded flaxseed in the diet decreases the body weight gain, feed intake and increased feed conversion ratio (FCR) values of broilers. The antioxidant enzymes were strongly influenced by different levels of extruded flaxseed supplementation among treatments. The TBARS assay revealed that maximum malondialdehyde were produced in T3 containing highest extruded flaxseed level (15%) and minimum malondialdehyde were produced in T0 treatment having no extruded flaxseed. The TBARS values ranged from 0.850-2.106 and 0.460-1.052 in leg and breast met respectively. The Free radical scavenging activity varied significantly and DPPH values of breast meat ranged from 20.70% to 39.09% and in leg meat 23.53% to 43.09% respectively. The sensory acceptability of broiler meat nuggets was decreased with the increase in the level of flaxseeds due to the lipid peroxidation of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) which generated off flavors and bad odors. Feeding extruded flaxseed to chicken through feed strongly inflated the quality and functional properties, fatty acid contents and reduced the oxidative stability of broiler meat and meat products. The present study concludes that up to 10% of flaxseed meal may be used in broiler diet to enhance the omega 3 fatty acids content in the broiler meat.

【 授权许可】

2013 Anjum et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.

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