Journal of Cardiothoracic Surgery
Feasibility of transapical aortic valve replacement through a left ventricular apical diverticulum
Ludwig Karl von Segesser1  Lars Niclauss1  Denis Berdajs1  Jegaruban Namasivayam1  Mathieu Van Steenberghe1  Enrico Ferrari1 
[1] Department of Cardiovascular surgery, CHUV, University Hospital of Lausanne, Rue du Bugnon 46, Lausanne, CH-1011, Switzerland
关键词: Left ventricular apical diverticulum;    Transcatheter aortic valve implantation;    Aortic valve replacement;   
Others  :  829581
DOI  :  10.1186/1749-8090-8-3
 received in 2012-07-12, accepted in 2012-12-17,  发布年份 2013
【 摘 要 】

Transapical aortic valve replacement is an established technique performed in high-risk patients with symptomatic aortic valve stenosis and vascular disease contraindicating trans-vascular and trans-aortic procedures. The presence of a left ventricular apical diverticulum is a rare event and the treatment depends on dimensions and estimated risk of embolisation, rupture, or onset of ventricular arrhythmias. The diagnosis is based on standard cardiac imaging and symptoms are very rare. In this case report we illustrate our experience with a 81 years old female patient suffering from symptomatic aortic valve stenosis, respiratory disease, chronic renal failure and severe peripheral vascular disease (logistic euroscore: 42%), who successfully underwent a transapical 23 mm balloon-expandable stent-valve implantation through an apical diverticulum of the left ventricle. Intra-luminal thrombi were absent and during the same procedure were able to treat the valve disease and to successfully exclude the apical diverticulum without complications and through a mini thoracotomy. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time that a transapical procedure is successfully performed through an apical diverticulum.

【 授权许可】

2013 Ferrari et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.

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【 参考文献 】
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