Heterochrony repolarized: a phylogenetic analysis of developmental timing in plethodontid salamanders
Grant A Robison1  Michael A Steffen1  Ronald M Bonett1 
[1] Department of Biological Science, University of Tulsa, Tulsa, OK 74104, USA
关键词: Progenesis;    Paedomorphosis;    Neoteny;    Life history;    Evolution;    Caudata;    Ancestral state reconstruction;   
Others  :  1093488
DOI  :  10.1186/2041-9139-5-27
 received in 2014-05-27, accepted in 2014-07-21,  发布年份 2014
【 摘 要 】


Disentangling evolutionary shifts in developmental timing (heterochony) is dependent upon accurate estimates of ancestral patterns. However, many classic assessments of heterochronic patterns predate robust phylogenetic hypotheses and methods for trait reconstruction, and therefore may have been polarized with untested ‘primitive’ conditions. Here we revisit the heterochronic modes of development that underlie the evolution of metamorphosis, maturation, and paedomorphosis in plethodontid salamanders. We focus on the tribe Spelerpini, which is a diverse clade that exhibits tremendous variation in timing of metamorphosis and maturation, as well as multiple independent instances of larval form paedomorphosis. Based on morphology and biogeography, early investigators concluded that the most recent common ancestors of plethodontids, and also spelerpines, were large salamanders, with very long larval periods and late maturation times. This prevailing assumption influenced subsequent heterochronic assessments, which concluded that most modern spelerpines (with shorter larval periods) were derived through multiple independent accelerations in larval development. It was also concluded that most occurrences of larval form paedomorphosis in this clade resulted from progenesis (acceleration of gonadal development relative to metamorphosis).


By reconstructing the time to metamorphosis on a molecular-based phylogeny of plethodontids, we find that ancestral spelerpines likely had relatively shorter larval periods than previously proposed. Taken together with the credibility interval from our ancestral state estimation we show that very long larval periods are likely derived decelerations, only a few lineages have undergone appreciable accelerations in metamorphic timing, and the remaining taxa have lower probabilities of being different than the ancestral condition (possibly due to stasis). Reconstructing maturation age across nodes concomitant with the evolution of larval form paedomorphosis in one large radiation does not show clear evidence of progenesis, but more likely indicates a case of neoteny (delayed metamorphosis).


This study demonstrates cases in plethodontid salamanders where phylogenetic-based character reconstructions reject previously hypothesized ancestral life history conditions. As a result, several prior hypotheses of heterochronic evolution in this family are reversed.

【 授权许可】

2014 Bonett et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.

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