Cell Division
Kinetics of DNA methylation inheritance by the Dnmt1-including complexes during the cell cycle
Pierre-François Cartron1  François M Vallette1  Marine Gueguen1  Arulraj Nadaradjane1  Eric Hervouet1 
[1] Université de Nantes, Faculté de Médecine, Département de Recherche en Cancérologie, IFR26, F-4400, Nantes, France
关键词: cell cycle;    Dnmt1;    DNA methylation;    Epigenetic;   
Others  :  792697
DOI  :  10.1186/1747-1028-7-5
 received in 2011-10-13, accepted in 2012-02-20,  发布年份 2012
【 摘 要 】


The clonal transmission of lineage-specific DNA methylation patterns in a mammalian genome during the cellular division is a crucial biological process controlled by the DNA methyltransferase Dnmt1, mainly. To investigate possible dynamic mechanisms of DNA methylation inheritance during the cell cycle, we used a Proximity Ligation In Situ Assay (P-LISA) to analyze the kinetic of formation and DNA recruitment of Dnmt1-including complexes.


P-LISA, sequential chromatin immunoprecipitation and quantitative methylation specific PCR revealed that the Dnmt1/PCNA/UHRF1-including complexes are mainly formed and recruited on DNA during the S-phase of cell cycle, while the formation and the DNA recruitment of several Dnmt1/transcription factors-including complexes are not S-phase dependent but are G0/G1 and/or G2/M phases dependent.


Our data confirm that DNA methylation inheritance occurs in S-phase, and demonstrate that DNA methylation inheritance can also occur in G0/G1 and G2/M phases of the cell cycle.

【 授权许可】

2012 Hervouet et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.

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