Cough management: a practical approach
Luigi Lanata3  Gianluca De Danieli3  Rossella Balsamo3  Gunsely Kilinç6  Panagiotis K Behrakis5  Alessandro Zanasi2  Mario Polverino1  Johann C Virchow4  Francesco De Blasio7 
[1] Department of Medicine and Medical Specialities, Azienda Sanitaria Locale (ASL) Salerno, Italy;Centre for Study and Treatment of Cough Respiratory Medicine, S. Orsola, Malpighi Hospital Bologna, Italy;Medical Department, Dompé S.P.A, via San Martino 12, Milan, Italy;Department of Pneumology and Intensive Care Medicine, University of Rostock, Germany;Department of Experimental Physiology, University of Athens, Greece;Department of Chest Disease, Cerrahpasa Faculty of Medicine, University of Istanbul, Turkey;Department of Respiratory Medicine and Pulmonary Rehabilitation, Clinic Center, Private Hospital, Naples, Italy
关键词: treatment;    diagnosis;    chronic;    acute;    cough reflex;    cough;   
Others  :  809307
DOI  :  10.1186/1745-9974-7-7
 received in 2010-12-16, accepted in 2011-10-10,  发布年份 2011
【 摘 要 】

Cough is one of the most common symptoms for which patients seek medical attention from primary care physicians and pulmonologists. Cough is an important defensive reflex that enhances the clearance of secretions and particles from the airways and protects the lower airways from the aspiration of foreign materials. Therapeutic suppression of cough may be either disease-specific or symptom related. The potential benefits of an early treatment of cough could include the prevention of the vicious cycle of cough. There has been a long tradition in acute cough, which is frequently due to upper respiratory tract infections, to use symptom-related anti-tussives. Suppression of cough (during chronic cough) may be achieved by disease-specific therapies, but in many patients it is often necessary to use symptomatic anti-tussives, too. According to the current guidelines of the American College of Chest Physician on "Cough Suppressants and Pharmacologic Protussive Therapy" and additional clinical trials on the most frequent anti-tussive drugs, it should be possible to diagnose and treat cough successfully in a majority of cases. Among drugs used for the symptomatic treatment of cough, peripherally acting anti-tussives such as levodropropizine and moguisteine show the highest level of benefit and should be recommended especially in children. By improving our understanding of the specific effects of these anti-tussive agents, the therapeutic use of these drugs may be refined. The present review provides a summary of the most clinically relevant anti-tussive drugs in addition to their potential mechanism of action.

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2011 De Blasio et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.

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