BMC Medicine
Exploring mechanisms of excess mortality with early fluid resuscitation: insights from the FEAST trial
Diana M Gibb9  Abdel G Babiker9  Jane Crawley9  Michael Levin1  Benedict Otii5  Molline Timbwa8  Ronald Wokulira3  Vicent Okuuny3  Ahmed Ddungu4  Daniel Semakula4  Cornelius M Dambisya2  Natalie Prevatt1  Ayub Mpoya8  Julius Nteziyaremye2  Bernadette Brent8  Hugh Reyburn6  George Mtove6  Richard Nyeko5  Charles Engoru3  Robert O Opoka4  Samuel O Akech8  Peter Olupot-Olupot2  Sarah Kiguli4  Jennifer A Evans7  Elizabeth C George9  Kathryn Maitland8 
[1] Wellcome Trust Centre for Clinical Tropical Medicine, Department of Paediatrics,Faculty of Medicine, St Marys Campus, Norfolk Place, Imperial College, London W21PG, UK;Department of Paediatrics, Mbale Regional Referral Hospital Pallisa Road Zone, POBox 921, Mbale, Uganda;Department of Paediatrics, Soroti Regional Referral Hospital, PO Box 289, Soroti,Uganda;Department of Paediatrics, Mulago Hospital, PO Box 7070, Makerere University,Kampala, Uganda;Department of Paediatrics, St Mary's Hospital, PO Box 180, Lacor, Uganda;Department of Paediatrics Joint Malaria Programme, Teule Hospital, PO Box 81,Muheza, Tanzania;Department of Paediatrics University Hospital of Wales Heath Park, Cardiff, CF144XW, Wales, UK;Kilifi Clinical Trials Facility, KEMRI-Wellcome Trust Research Programme, PO Box230, Kilifi, Kenya;Medical Research Council (MRC) Clinical Trials Unit, Aviation House, 125 KingswayLondon, WC2B 6NH, UK
关键词: terminal clinical events;    shock;    saline;    mortality;    human albumin solution;    fluid resuscitation;    clinical trial;    children;    Africa;   
Others  :  857148
DOI  :  10.1186/1741-7015-11-68
 received in 2012-09-27, accepted in 2013-01-18,  发布年份 2013
【 摘 要 】


Early rapid fluid resuscitation (boluses) in African children with severe febrile illnesses increases the 48-hour mortality by 3.3% compared with controls (no bolus). We explored the effect of boluses on 48-hour all-cause mortality by clinical presentation at enrolment, hemodynamic changes over the first hour, and on different modes of death, according to terminal clinical events. We hypothesize that boluses may cause excess deaths from neurological or respiratory events relating to fluid overload.


Pre-defined presentation syndromes (PS; severe acidosis or severe shock, respiratory, neurological) and predominant terminal clinical events (cardiovascular collapse, respiratory, neurological) were described by randomized arm (bolus versus control) in 3,141 severely ill febrile children with shock enrolled in the Fluid Expansion as Supportive Therapy (FEAST) trial. Landmark analyses were used to compare early mortality in treatment groups, conditional on changes in shock and hypoxia parameters. Competing risks methods were used to estimate cumulative incidence curves and sub-hazard ratios to compare treatment groups in terms of terminal clinical events.


Of 2,396 out of 3,141 (76%) classifiable participants, 1,647 (69%) had a severe metabolic acidosis or severe shock PS, 625 (26%) had a respiratory PS and 976 (41%) had a neurological PS, either alone or in combination. Mortality was greatest among children fulfilling criteria for all three PS (28% bolus, 21% control) and lowest for lone respiratory (2% bolus, 5% control) or neurological (3% bolus, 0% control) presentations. Excess mortality in bolus arms versus control was apparent for all three PS, including all their component features. By one hour, shock had resolved (responders) more frequently in bolus versus control groups (43% versus 32%, P <0.001), but excess mortality with boluses was evident in responders (relative risk 1.98, 95% confidence interval 0.94 to 4.17, P = 0.06) and 'non-responders' (relative risk 1.67, 95% confidence interval 1.23 to 2.28, P = 0.001), with no evidence of heterogeneity (P = 0.68). The major difference between bolus and control arms was the higher proportion of cardiogenic or shock terminal clinical events in bolus arms (n = 123; 4.6% versus 2.6%, P = 0.008) rather than respiratory (n = 61; 2.2% versus 1.3%, P = 0.09) or neurological (n = 63, 2.1% versus 1.8%, P = 0.6) terminal clinical events.


Excess mortality from boluses occurred in all subgroups of children. Contrary to expectation, cardiovascular collapse rather than fluid overload appeared to contribute most to excess deaths with rapid fluid resuscitation. These results should prompt a re-evaluation of evidence on fluid resuscitation for shock and a re-appraisal of the rate, composition and volume of resuscitation fluids.

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2013 Maitland et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.

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