BMC Gastroenterology
Prevalence and factors associated with the presence of non alcoholic fatty liver disease in an apparently healthy adult population in primary care units
Albert Tibau7  Anna Altaba3  Miren Maite Aizpurua1  Gregorio Pizarro1,11  Josep Aubà6  Jesús Bernad1,10  Santiago Canut2  Jaume Planas4  Laura Muñoz8  Dolors Gil5  Guillem Pera8  Jesús Aznar4  Dolores Miranda4  Pere Torán8  Ma Antonia Auladell9  Llorenç Caballería9 
[1] Primary Healthcare Centre Gatassa, Catalan Health Institute, Camí del Mig 36 (4a planta), 08303 Mataró, Spain;Primary Healthcare Centre Vilassar de Dalt, Catalan Health Institute, C/Plaça de la Vila 8, 08339 Vilassar de Dalt, Spain;Primary Healthcare Centre Gorg, Catalan Health Institute, Velez Rubio s/n, 08913 Badalona, Spain;Radiology Department, Primary Healthcare El Maresme, Catalan Health Institute, Camí del Mig 36, 08303 Mataró, Spain;Radiology Department, Primary Healthcare Sant Adrià de Besós, Catalan Health Institute, C/Pl. Dr. Trueta s/n, 08930 Sant Adrià de Besós, Spain;Primary Healthcare Barcelonés Nord i Maresme, Catalan Health Institute, Sardana s/n, 08915 Badalona, Spain;Primary Healthcare Centre Premià de Mar, Catalan Health Institute, La Plaça 93, 08330 Premià de Mar, Spain;Primary Healthcare Research Support Unit Barcelonés Nord i Maresme. IDIAP Jordi Gol, Camí del Mig 36, 08303 Mataró, Spain;Primary Healthcare Centre Premià de Mar, Catalan Health Institute, IDIAP Jordi Gol, La Plaça 93,08330 Premià de Mar, Spain;Primary Healthcare Centre Vilassar de Mar, Catalan Health Institute, C/Santa Maria 59-79, 08340 Vilassar de Mar, Spain;Primary Healthcare Centre Llefia, Catalan Health Institute, Carretera Antiga de Valencia s/n, 08913 Badalona, Spain
Others  :  1211630
DOI  :  10.1186/1471-230X-7-41
 received in 2007-09-07, accepted in 2007-11-05,  发布年份 2007
【 摘 要 】


Fatty liver disease is characterized by the accumulation of fat vacuoles inside of the hepatocytes. Non alcoholic fatty liver is associated with obesity, type 2 diabetes, dyslipemia, the intake of certain drugs and with the so-called metabolic syndrome. However, there is little information on the clinical relevance of this disorder as a healthcare problem in the general population, since the studies published generally include a limited number of patients and the diagnosis is established on the basis of clear biochemical alterations and liver biopsy.


The aim of the study is the prevalence of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in a general adult population by hepatic ultrasonography.

A population-based, descriptive, transversal, multicentre study. Eighteen primary care centres of the north of Barcelona and the Maresme Areas of Healthcare Management attending an urban and semi-urban population of 360.000 inhabitants.

A randomized sample of 786 subjects of 15 years or older were selected from the population and assigned to the participating centres according to the Primary Care Information System (SIAP): This population is practically the same as the general population of the area.

The following determinations will be carried out in all the participants: hepatic ultrasonography to detect fatty liver, a questionnaire concerning liver diseases, alcohol intake, smoking and drug use, physical examination including abdominal perimeter and body mass index and biochemical analysis including liver function tests and parameters related to the metabolic syndrome and the HAIR score.

Ultrasonographic diagnosis of fatty liver will be made according to established criteria (American Gastroenterology Association) and diagnosis of metabolic syndrome according to the criteria of the European Group for the Study of Insulin Resistance.


This study will attempt to determine the prevalence of non alcoholic fatty liver disease, as well as, the factors most frequently associated with the presence of this disease to thereby achieve the most appropriate treatment and avoid the evolution of the disease.

【 授权许可】

2007 Caballería et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.

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