BMC Research Notes
Hydroxytyrosol: lack of clastogenicity in a bone marrow chromosome aberration study in rats
Nicole Amann1  Hana Hofman-Hüther3  Laurie C Dolan2 
[1] Wacker Chemie AG, Johannes-Hess-Str. 24, Burghausen 84489, Germany;Burdock Group, 859 Outer Road, Orlando, FL 32814, USA;Department of in vitro Pharmacology/Toxicology, BSL BIOSERVICE Scientific Laboratories GmbH, Behringstr. 6/8, 82152, Planegg, Munich, Germany
关键词: Chromosome aberration;    Rat;    Hydroxytyrosol;   
Others  :  1091694
DOI  :  10.1186/1756-0500-7-923
 received in 2014-09-09, accepted in 2014-12-12,  发布年份 2014
【 摘 要 】


Hydroxytyrosol is naturally found in olives, olive oil and wine, and is consumed as part of a normal diet. The substance may have utility as a preservative in a wide variety of foods due to its antioxidant, antimicrobial and amphipathic properties. The potential for hydroxytyrosol to cause chromosome aberrations in vitro had been tested previously, with positive results at high concentrations. An OECD Guideline 475 study (mammalian bone marrow chromosome aberration test) was conducted in rats with the oral limit dose of 2000 mg/kg bw to determine whether hydroxytyrosol is a clastogen in vivo.


The oral limit dose of 2000 mg/kg hydroxytyrosol was well tolerated by most rats; however, some rats exhibited clinical signs that abated within 24 hours. Treatment with hydroxytyrosol did not significantly enhance the number of aberrant cells or the mitotic index 24 or 48 hours post-dose. The positive control (cyclophosphamide) induced the expected increase in chromosomal aberrations and a decrease in the mitotic index, confirming the validity of the assay.


An oral limit dose of 2000 mg/kg hydroxytyrosol does not induce chromosome aberrations in bone marrow cells of the rat. Accordingly, hydroxytyrosol is not a clastogen in vivo.

【 授权许可】

2014 Dolan et al.; licensee BioMed Central.

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