BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders
Evaluation of radial distribution of cartilage degeneration and necessity of pre-contrast measurements using radial dGEMRIC in adults with acetabular dysplasia
Xiaoguang Cheng4  Yongming Dai2  Jing Zhang4  Ali Guermazi3  Daichi Hayashi3  Karl-Philipp Kienle1  Yongbin Su4  Li Xu3 
[1] Department of Orthopedic Surgery, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland;Siemens Healthcare China, MR Collaborations NE Asia, Shanghai, 201318, China;Department of Radiology, Boston University School of Medicine, FGH Building 3rd Floor, 820 Harrison Avenue, Boston, MA, 02118, USA;Department of Radiology, 4th Medical College of Peking University (Beijing Jishuitan Hospital), 31 Xinjiekou East Street, Beijing, 100035, China
关键词: dGEMRIC;    Radial magnetic resonance imaging;    Cartilage degeneration;    Acetabular dysplasia;   
Others  :  1135737
DOI  :  10.1186/1471-2474-13-212
 received in 2012-03-13, accepted in 2012-10-11,  发布年份 2012
【 摘 要 】


The purpose of the present study was to investigate the radial distribution patterns of cartilage degeneration in dysplastic hips at different stages of secondary osteoarthritis (OA) by using radial delayed gadolinium-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging of cartilage (dGEMRIC), and to assess whether pre-contrast measurements are necessary.


Thirty-five hips in 21 subjects (mean age ± SD, 27.6 ± 10.8 years) with acetabular dysplasia (lateral CE angle < 25°) were studied. Severity of OA was assessed on radiographs using Tönnis grading. Pre- (T1pre) and post-contrast T1 (T1Gd) values were measured at 7 sub-regions on radial reformatted slices acquired from a 3-dimensional (3D) T1 mapping sequence using a 1.5 T MR scanner. Values of radial T1pre, T1Gd and ΔR1 (1/T1Gd - 1/T1pre) of subgroups with different severity of OA were compared to those of the subgroup without OA using nonparametric tests, and bivariate linear Pearson correlations between radial T1Gd and ΔR1 were analyzed for each subgroup.


Compared to the subgroup without OA, the subgroup with mild OA was observed with a significant decrease in T1Gd in the anterosuperior to superior sub-regions (mean, 476 ~ 507 ms, p = 0.026 ~ 0.042) and a significant increase in ΔR1 in the anterosuperior to superoposterior and posterior sub-regions (mean, 0.93 ~ 1.37 s-1, p = 0.012 ~ 0.042). The subgroup with moderate to severe OA was observed with a significant overall decrease in T1Gd (mean, 404 ~ 452 ms, p = 0.001 ~ 0.020) and an increase in ΔR1 (mean, 1.17 ~1.69 s-1, p = 0.001 ~ 0.020). High correlations were observed between radial T1Gd and ΔR1 for all subgroups (r = −0.869 ~ −0.944, p < 0.001).


Radial dGEMRIC without pre-contrast measurements is useful for evaluating different patterns of cartilage degeneration in the entire hip joint of patients with hip dysplasia, particularly for those in early stages of secondary OA.

【 授权许可】

2012 Xu et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.

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