BMC Surgery
Serious mental illnesses associated with receipt of surgery in retrospective analysis of patients in the Veterans Health Administration
Valerie A. Lawrence2  Andrea A. MacCarthy1  Julianne Flynn1  Marcos I. Restrepo1  Chen-Pin Wang1  Mary Jo Pugh1  Eric M. Mortensen3  Edward Y. Sako2  John E. Zeber2  Laurel A. Copeland2 
[1] Veterans Affairs: South Texas Veterans Health Care System, 7400 Merton Minter (11c6), San Antonio 78229, TX, USA;UT Health Science Center San Antonio, San Antonio, TX, USA;UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX, USA
关键词: Veterans;    Operative;    Surgical procedures;    Schizophrenia;    Post-traumatic stress disorder;    Depressive disorder;    Bipolar disorder;   
Others  :  1215946
DOI  :  10.1186/s12893-015-0064-7
 received in 2014-10-29, accepted in 2015-06-11,  发布年份 2015
【 摘 要 】


The STOPP study (Surgical Treatment Outcomes for Patients with Psychiatric Disorders) analyzed variation in rates and types of major surgery by serious mental illness status among patients treated in the Veterans Health Administration (VA). VA patients are veterans of United States military service who qualify for federal care by reason of disability, special service experiences, or poverty.


STOPP conducted a secondary data analysis of medical record extracts for seven million VA patients treated Oct 2005-Sep 2009. The retrospective study aggregated inpatient surgery events, comorbid diagnoses, demographics, and postoperative 30-day mortality.


Serious mental illness -- schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, posttraumatic stress disorder, or major depressive disorder, was identified in 12 % of VA patients. Over the 4-year study period, 321,131 patients (4.5 %) underwent surgery with same-day preoperative or immediate post-operative admission including14 % with serious mental illness. Surgery patients were older (64 vs. 61 years) and more commonly African-American, unmarried, impoverished, highly disabled (24 % vs 12 % were Priority 1), obese, with psychotic disorder (4.3 % vs 2.9 %). Among surgery patients, 3.7 % died within 30 days postop. After covariate adjustment, patients with pre-existing serious mental illness were relatively less likely to receive surgery (adjusted odds ratios 0.4-0.7).


VA patients undergoing major surgery appeared, in models controlling for comorbidity and demographics, to disproportionately exclude those with serious mental illness. While VA preferentially treats the most economically and medically disadvantaged veterans, the surgery subpopulation may be especially ill, potentially warranting increased postoperative surveillance.

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2015 Copeland et al.

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