BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Paeoniflorin regulates macrophage activation in dimethylnitrosamine-induced liver fibrosis in rats
Lingqing Lu3  Qi Pan2  Qingnian Xu2  Zhen Lv3  Zongguo Yang3  Yunfei Lu2  Cheng Liu1  Xiaorong Chen2 
[1] Scientific Research Center, Shanghai Public Health Clinical Center, Shanghai, 201508, China;Key Laboratory of Infectious Diseases of State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine (clinical base), Shanghai, 201508, China;Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shanghai Public Health Clinical Center, 2901 Caolang Road, Jin Shan District, Shanghai, 201508, China
关键词: Paeoniflorin;    Macrophage;    Liver fibrosis;   
Others  :  1231371
DOI  :  10.1186/1472-6882-12-254
 received in 2012-04-01, accepted in 2012-12-05,  发布年份 2012
【 摘 要 】


Macrophages in other organs (e.g. kidneys, lungs, and spleen, et. al) have rarely been reported in the development of liver fibrosis. Therefore, it is important to investigate macrophage activation in the main organs in liver fibrosis. We investigated the potential antifibrogenic effects of paeoniflorin (PF) in a dimethylnitrosamine (DMN)-induced rat model with special focus on inhibiting macrophage activation in the main organs.


Rat hepatic fibrosis was induced by treatment with DMN three times weekly over a 4-week period. DMN rats were treated with water, PF, or gadolinium chloride (GdCl3) from the beginning of the 3rd week. The expression of CD68, marker of macrophage, was investigated using immunohistochemical, real-time PCR, and western blot analysis.


Hepatic hydroxyproline content markedly decreased and histopathology improved in the DMN-PF rats. Expression of desmin and collagen 1 decreased notably in DMN-PF liver. CD68 expression in the liver, spleen and kidney increased markedly after 2 weeks but decreased in DMN-water rats. PF and GdCl3 decreased CD68 expression in the liver and spleen and there was no effect on kidney. CD68 expression in the lung increased gradually during the course of DMN-induced liver fibrosis, and PF inhibited CD68 expression in the lung significantly while GdCl3 increased CD68 markedly. Expression of tumor necrosis factor (TNF-α) was decreased significantly by GdCl3 in the liver, as revealed by real-time PCR analysis. However, GdCl3 could not decrease TNF-α level in the serum by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA).


Macrophage activation was disrupted in the liver, spleen, lung and kidney during development of DMN-induced liver fibrosis. PF administration attenuated DMN-induced liver fibrosis at least in part by regulating macrophage disruption in the main organs.

【 授权许可】

2012 Chen et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.

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