BMC Geriatrics
Improving recognition of delirium in clinical practice: a call for action
Koen Milisen1  Emma Reynish2  Andrew Teodorczuk3 
[1] Leuven University Division of Geriatric Medicine, University Hospitals Leuven, Leuven, Belgium;Dementia Service Development Centre, University of Stirling, Stirling, Scotland, UK;Education Department, North Tyneside Hospital, Northumbria Healthcare Trust, North Shields, NE29 8NH, UK
关键词: Geriatric psychiatry;    Training;    Education;    Delirium;   
Others  :  858061
DOI  :  10.1186/1471-2318-12-55
 received in 2012-02-06, accepted in 2012-08-31,  发布年份 2012
【 摘 要 】


The purpose of this correspondence article is to report opinion amongst experts in the delirium field as to why, despite on-going training for all health professionals, delirium continues to be under recognised. Consensus was obtained by means of two conference workshops and an online survey of members of the European Delirium Association.

Major barriers to recognition at an individual level include ignorance about the benefit of treating delirium. At an organisational level, reflecting socio-cultural attitudes, barriers include a low strategic and financial priority and the fact that delirium is an orphan condition falling between specialties.

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2012 Teodorczuk et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.

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