Journal of Multimedia
Processing Research Based on Multi-scale Analysis of Image Segmentation Surface Reconstruction Algorithm
关键词: Algorithm;    Surface Reconstruction;    Interpolation Matrix;    Extraction Matrix;   
Others  :  1017310
DOI  :  10.4304/jmm.8.6.669-674
【 摘 要 】

In order to improve the cutting surface reconstruction algorithm, which needs a large amount of calculation, and to obtain higher quality of reconstruction surface, processing research of image segmentation surface reconstruction algorithm is proposed based on multi-scale analysis. Through the analysis of the surface reconstruction algorithm and process steps based on multi-scale graph cut, the energy function is constructed, and maps it to the 3 d figure of edge and vertex weights, so as to construct a graph cut extraction matrix and interpolation matrix. In order to further verify the performance of the algorithm, comparative analyses of the experiment tests of the triangle network was implemented through c + +. The results show that under the same conditions, this algorithm’s computation speed is faster than the narrow band graph cut algorithm, its effect of rebuilding the figure cut will be better, and can get reconstruction surface of higher quality.

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@ 2006-2014 by ACADEMY PUBLISHER – All rights reserved.

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