Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica
Feed-borne Outbreak of Salmonella Cubana in Swedish Pig Farms: Risk Factors and Factors Affecting the Restriction Period in Infected Farms
J Österberg1  I Vågsholm1  S Boqvist1  S Sternberg Lewerin1 
[1] Department of Disease Control, National Veterinary Institute, SE 751 89 Uppsala, Sweden
关键词: Salmonella Cubana.;    salmonella;    restriction period;    soy meal;    outbreak;    riskfactor;    swine;    pigs;    Feed-borne;   
Others  :  790110
DOI  :  10.1186/1751-0147-47-13
 received in 2005-06-07, accepted in 2005-10-25,  发布年份 2006
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