Journal of Multimedia
Robust Blind Video Watermark Algorithm in Transform Domain Combining with 3D Video Correlation
关键词: correlation;    DFT;    DCT;    Video Watermark;   
Others  :  1017407
DOI  :  10.4304/jmm.8.2.161-167
【 摘 要 】
According to the features of DCT-based and DFT-based video watermark algorithms against attacks and considering 3D video structural characteristic, a new robust blind video watermark algorithm in transform domain combining with 3D video correlation is proposed. DCT-based watermark and DFT-based watermark are embedded in left and right images of a video frame using opposite embedding rules, and the watermark can be extracted by integrating 3D video correlation, and more robust watermark is extracted from the DCT-based watermark and the DFT-based watermark by comparing their performance. The algorithm can significantly improve the robustness of 3D video watermark against resolution attack and coding attack. The experimental results show that the proposed algorithm has excellent performance against resolution attack and coding attack, and is obviously better than DCT-based and DFT-based algorithms.
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@ 2006-2014 by ACADEMY PUBLISHER – All rights reserved.

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