Biotechnology for Biofuels
Zymomonas mobilis: a novel platform for future biorefineries
Ming Xiong He3  Bo Wu1  Han Qin1  Zhi Yong Ruan2  Fu Rong Tan1  Jing Li Wang1  Zong Xia Shui1  Li Chun Dai1  Qi Li Zhu1  Ke Pan1  Xiao Yu Tang1  Wen Guo Wang1  Qi Chun Hu3 
[1] Biogas Institute of Ministry of Agriculture, Biomass Energy Technology Research Centre, Section 4-13, Renming Nanlu, Chengdu 610041, P. R. China
[2] Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081, P. R. China
[3] Key Laboratory of Development and Application of Rural Renewable Energy, Ministry of Agriculture, Chengdu 610041, P. R. China
关键词: building block chemical;    biofuel;    biorefinery;    platform;    Zymomonas mobilis;   
Others  :  1084886
DOI  :  10.1186/1754-6834-7-101
 received in 2014-02-17, accepted in 2014-06-20,  发布年份 2014
【 摘 要 】

Biosynthesis of liquid fuels and biomass-based building block chemicals from microorganisms have been regarded as a competitive alternative route to traditional. Zymomonas mobilis possesses a number of desirable characteristics for its special Entner-Doudoroff pathway, which makes it an ideal platform for both metabolic engineering and commercial-scale production of desirable bio-products as the same as Escherichia coli and Saccharomyces cerevisiae based on consideration of future biomass biorefinery. Z. mobilis has been studied extensively on both fundamental and applied level, which will provide a basis for industrial biotechnology in the future. Furthermore, metabolic engineering of Z. mobilis for enhancing bio-ethanol production from biomass resources has been significantly promoted by different methods (i.e. mutagenesis, adaptive laboratory evolution, specific gene knock-out, and metabolic engineering). In addition, the feasibility of representative metabolites, i.e. sorbitol, bionic acid, levan, succinic acid, isobutanol, and isobutanol produced by Z. mobilis and the strategies for strain improvements are also discussed or highlighted in this paper. Moreover, this review will present some guidelines for future developments in the bio-based chemical production using Z. mobilis as a novel industrial platform for future biofineries.

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2014 He et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.

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