Acta Radiologica Short Reports
MRI-guided laser ablation of neuroendocrine tumor hepatic metastases
Jukka Perälä4  Rauli Klemola3  Raija Kallio6  Chengli Li2  Ilkka Vihriälä5  Pasi I Salmela1  Osmo Tervonen4  Roberto Blanco Sequeiros4 
[1] Department of Medicine, Division of Endocrinology, Oulu University Hospital, Oulu, Finland
[2] Shandong Provincial Medical Imaging Research Institute, Shandong University, Jinan, Shandong, PR China
[3] Department of Radiology, Southern Ostrobothnia Hospital, Seinäjoki, Finland
[4] Department of Radiology, Oulu University Hospital, Oulu, Finland
[5] Department of Medicine, Central Ostrobothnia Hospital, Kokkola, Finland
[6] Department of Oncology, Oulu University Hospital, Finland
关键词: liver;    NET;    tumor;    ablation;    metastasis;    laser;    MRI;   
Others  :  923859
DOI  :  10.1177/2047981613499753
 received in 2013-02-27, accepted in 2013-07-10,  发布年份 2014
【 摘 要 】

Background Neuroendocrine tumors (NET) represent a therapeutically challenging and heterogeneous group of malignancies occurring throughoutthe body, but mainly in the gastrointestinal system.

Purpose To describe magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)-guided laser ablation of NET liver metastases and assess its role within thecurrent treatment options and methods.

Material and Methods Two patients with NET tumor hepatic metastases were treated with MRI-guided interstitial laser ablation (LITT). Three tumorswere treated. Clinical follow-up time was 10 years.

Results Both patients were successfully treated. There were no local recurrences at the ablation site during the follow-up. Bothpatients had survived at 10-year follow-up. One patient is disease-free.

Conclusion MRI-guided laser ablation can be used to treat NET tumor liver metastases but combination therapy and a rigorous follow-upschedule are recommended.

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Fig. 1.

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Fig. 3.

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