Animal Biotelemetry | |
Use of oviduct-inserted acoustic transmitters and positional telemetry to estimate timing and location of spawning: a feasibility study in lake trout, Salvelinus namaycush | |
Thomas R Binder3  Christopher M Holbrook1  Scott M Miehls1  Henry T Thompson1  Charles C Krueger2  | |
[1] United States Geological Survey, Hammond Bay Biological Station, 11188 Ray Rd, Millersburg, MI 49759, USA | |
[2] Center for Systems Integration and Sustainability, Michigan State University, 1405 South Harrison Road, 115 Manly Miles Building, East Lansing, MI 48823, USA | |
[3] Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Michigan State University, Hammond Bay Biological Station, 11188 Ray Rd, Millersburg, MI 49759, USA | |
关键词: Detection probability; Transmitter retention; Spawning behavior; Gymnovarian; Changepoint analysis; Acoustic telemetry; | |
Others : 1082150 DOI : 10.1186/2050-3385-2-14 |
received in 2014-05-29, accepted in 2014-08-11, 发布年份 2014 | |
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【 摘 要 】
Oviduct-inserted transmitters have shown promise for determining precise location of spawning in fishes. Use of traditional manual tracking to locate expelled oviduct transmitters is laborious and accurate estimates of time of transmitter expulsion require frequent surveys. We tested the feasibility of using oviduct-inserted transmitters with positional telemetry to estimate time and location of spawning in lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush). Three assumptions were tested: (1) oviduct transmitters remain within fish until spawning, (2) oviduct transmitters are expelled with the eggs during spawning, and (3) time and location of oviduct transmitter expulsion can be accurately determined.
In the laboratory, 39 of 44 (89%) lake trout retained an oviduct transmitter until end of the spawning period and all premature transmitter expulsions occurred before maturation. Natural spawning in the laboratory was not feasible; however, of 35 ripe trout that retained transmitters, 31 (89%) expelled their transmitter with eggs when subjected to manual stripping. Ability to position transmitters with a telemetry array at known spawning sites in Lake Huron (North America) was poor when oviduct transmitters were placed in the substrate compared to transmitters suspended 1 m above substrate - 78% of transmitters in substrate could not be positioned. However, in simulations, time and location of spawning were determined with reasonable accuracy by double-tagging trout with one transmitter that is expelled with the eggs during spawning while another transmitter remains in the fish. Accuracy of estimated time and location of transmitter spatial separation varied with distance traveled from spawning site and swimming speed, and was dependent on transmission delay.
Our results satisfied the three assumptions of oviduct tagging and suggested that oviduct transmitters can be used with positional telemetry to estimate time and location of spawning in lake trout and other species. In situations where oviduct transmitters may be difficult to position once expelled into substrate, pairing oviduct transmitters with a normal-sized fish transmitter that remains in the fish is recommended, with spawning inferred when the two tags separate in space. Optimal transmitter delay will depend on expected degree of spawning site residency and swim speed.
【 授权许可】
2014 Binder et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.
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【 图 表 】
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