Bayesian study design for nonlinear systems: an animal disease transmission experiment case study
授课人:Rob Deardon
机构:Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences(PIMS)
关键词: Scientific;    Mathematics;    Statistics Theory;    Applied Mathematics;    Statistics;   
【 摘 要 】
Experimental design is a branch of statistics focused upon designing experimental studies in a way that maximizes the amount of salient information produced by the experiment. It is a topic which has been well studied in the context of linear systems. However, many physical, biological, economic, financial and engineering systems of interest are inherently non-linear in nature. Experimental design for non-linear models is complicated by the fact that the optimal design depends upon the parameters that we are using the experiment to estimate. A Bayesian, often simulation-based, framework is a natural setting for such design problems. We will illustrate the use of such a framework by considering the design of an animal disease transmission experiment where the underlying goal is to identify some characteristics of the disease dynamics (e.g. a vaccine effect, or the infectious period).
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