Small Number and the Old Canoe (Squamish)
授课人:Veselin Jungic
机构:Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences(PIMS)
关键词: Educational;    Mathematics;    Small Number;   
【 摘 要 】
N.B. This video is a translation into Squamish by T'naxwtn, Peter Jacobs of the Squamish NationIn Small Num-ber and the Old Canoe math-e-mat-ics is present through-out the story with the hope that this expe-ri-ence will make at least some mem-bers of our young audi-ence, with the moderator鈥檚 help, rec-og-nize more math-e-mat-ics around them in their every-day lives. We use terms like smooth, shape, oval, and sur-face, the math-e-mat-i-cal phrase-ol-ogy like, It must be at least a hun-dred years old, the artist skill-fully presents reflec-tion (sym-me-try) of trees in water, and so on. The idea behind this approach is to give the mod-er-a-tor a few open-ings to intro-duce or empha-size var-i-ous math-e-mat-i-cal objects, con-cepts, and ter-mi-nol-ogy. The short film is a lit-tle math sus-pense story and our ques-tion is related only to one part of it. The aim of the ques-tion is to lead to an intro-duc-tion at an intu-itive level of the con-cept of a func-tion and the essence of the prin-ci-ple of inclusion-exclusion as a count-ing tech-nique. The authors would also like to give their audi-ence an oppor-tu-nity to appre-ci-ate that in order to under-stand a math ques-tion, one often needs to read (or in this case, watch) a prob-lem more than once.
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