International Multi-Conference on Industrial Engineering and Modern technologies
Critical Thinking for Architects
Tarasova, I.V.^1
Department of Architecture, Ural State University of Architecture and Art, K. Liebknecht str. 23, Ekaterinburg
620075, Russia^1
关键词: Activity managements;    Analysis and synthesis;    Architectural process;    Architectural theory;    Comparative analysis;    Critical analysis;    Critical component;    Critical thinking;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/463/4/042046/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1757-899X/463/4/042046
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】

This paper seeks to define the phenomenon of critical thinking in architects. Architectural thinking in the sphere of architectural theory is critically analysed. Critical components in the structure of architectural thinking are identified. Problem statement. The architectural process is undergoing dynamic changes in Russia. The architectural science appeals to the ontological questions of the profession in an attempt to reconsider professional architectural thinking. The current relevance of the critical approach to architectural professional thinking has been called to life by both practical and theoretical problems in architecture. To be resolved, these problems need effective thinking and activity management. This, in turn, makes it essential to incorporate critical thinking principles into the professional architectural thought, which should open up a way forward to the understanding of critical thinking in architectural theory and practice. Research methods. The paper critically reviews the principal ideas put forward by theorists. Analysis and synthesis is applied to the results of the comparative analysis. Critical analysis of theoretical constructs will be necessary to identify new perspectives on the definition of the critical architectural thinking phenomenon. Main conclusions. The structure and specifics of architectural thinking have been presented, and the distinctive features of critical architectural thinking have been outlined.

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