International Multi-Conference on Industrial Engineering and Modern technologies
New Ecological Paradigm of Architectural Development of the Energy Efficient Affordable Low Dwelling
Budarin, E.^1
Engineering Institute, North Caucasian Federal University, Kulakov Avenue, 2 case 11, Stavropol
355029, Russia^1
关键词: Construction technologies;    Environmental materials;    Green constructions;    Land for constructions;    Low energy consumption;    Multi-storied buildings;    Shielding properties;    Sustainable construction;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/463/3/032066/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1757-899X/463/3/032066
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】

The problems of the planet's ecology and the degradation of the environment are taking a dangerous turn. Uncontrolled growth of global greenhouse gas emissions has continued, the planet's temperature rises. The construction industry is harmful to the environment. Therefore, it is necessary to apply "green construction" , especially developing the direction of energy-efficient low-rise housing. Designing low dwelling housing, focused on low energy consumption, it is necessary to take care not only about the heat, but also about the architecture of the building, ecology and internal comfort. It is necessary to suggest the construction of a building in which sunlight, the heat of the earth worked for the tenants. The considered ecological problems of the development of low dwelling architecture, adapting to the changing people's needs, applying the principles of architectural and planning organization and developing construction technologies, move from the conceptual aspect to the actual one. In connection with this, it is necessary to use prefabricated buildings . It will require the erection of plants for the production of serial houses and the production of inexpensive building materials. There was a need to create buildings that would have maximum factory readiness, transportability, minimum volume, rapid erection and high comfort. There was a need to develop a project base and development of construction production for the low-rise housing industry. A wide application of prefabricated volumetric modular technologies for house building. Implementation of sustainable construction using only environmental materials. Analysis of the current situation for the development of low dwelling housing architecture showed that the main prerequisites for the formation of low dwelling housing are certain conditions. This is the impact of special natural and climatic factors, the choice of new land for construction, requiring minimum costs. A functional-spatial model of a low dwelling has been developed and proposed, an assessment of the comfort of a dwelling, the possibility of resource saving and expansion with an increase in the family. Energy saving and energy efficiency, they will be achieved in the form of increasing the heat-shielding properties of enclosing structures. Living in multistoried buildings leads to a progressive deterioration in the health of people, both physical and mental - this is the path to nowhere. Therefore, in the long term, an ecological low dwelling housing has no alternative. The sooner we start building them, the less our losses will be.

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