7th International Conference: Modern Technologies For Non-Destructive Testing
Research of a diametrical fan with suction channel
Saitov, V.E.^1 ; Farafonov, V.G.^1 ; Gataullin, R.G.^1 ; Saitov, A.V.^1
Viatka State Agricultural Academy, Kirov, Russia^1
关键词: Cleaning machine;    Dust catchers;    Light impurities;    Mode of operations;    Operating modes;    Outer diameters;    Pneumatic system;    Working areas;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/457/1/012009/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1757-899X/457/1/012009
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】

Various grain cleaning machines equipped with pneumatic systems are widely used for cleaning grain from impurities, in which as an air-flow generator, diametric fans are increasingly used to create a uniform airflow over the width of pneumatic systems for high-quality grain cleaning. Installation of fans of this type in the pneumatic system of grain cleaning machines in some cases entails the creation of guiding elements in front of its intake part. A diametric fan with a suction channel located in the initial part of the spiral body and allowing it to be assembled into pneumatic systems of grain cleaning machines without additional or special taps has been developed. Theoretical and practical studies have been carried out to determine the depth Δh of the suction channel. It is established that the most rational value of the depth Δh of the suction channel is 0.05 m for a fan with an outer diameter D 2 of the impeller 0.30 m. The fan has three operating modes. With the suction canal open, suction of dusty air from the sludge chambers, dust catchers or unloading devices of the air systems (the first mode of operation of the fan) or the air flow into the dust-collecting channel can occur along it to avoid precipitation of impurities in it or to a certain working area where it is necessary to separate the forage grain from light impurities (second mode of operation of the fan). The third operating mode of the fan with the suction channel closed ensures that the air flow is only supplied to the delivery pipe.

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