2018 3rd International Conference on Insulating Materials, Material Application and Electrical Engineering
Research on Asphalt Pavement Design Method Based on Analysis of the Most Unfavorable Point and Layer Function
Feng, Liu^1,2 ; Zhou, Yong^1,2 ; Chen, Chupeng^1,2 ; Li, Hao^1,2 ; Liu, Gui^2
R. and D. Center on Road Transport Safety and Emergency Support Technology and Equipment, Ministry of Transport, Guangzhou, Guangdong
510420, China^1
Guangdong Hualu Communications Technology Co. LTD, Guangzhou, Guangdong
510420, China^2
关键词: Design method;    Functional requirement;    Guangdong Province;    Mechanical design method;    Mechanical response;    Most Unfavorable Point;    Pavement structures;    Road engineering;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/452/2/022037/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1757-899X/452/2/022037
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】

In order to improve the mechanical design method of the current semi-rigid base asphalt pavement structure, taking BISAR3.0 software as the mechanical response analysis method of pavement structure, the corresponding mechanical response analysis of two asphalt pavement structures in the durability test section of Yunluo Expressway in Guangdong Province was carried out. By applying double circular loads to the two asphalt pavement structures, the most unfavorable points among the many calculation points of the two asphalt pavement structures were obtained. Then, the most unfavorable point was used to analyze the laws of mechanical response parameters such as shear stress, horizontal tensile stress and horizontal tensile strain of pavement structure with the depth of pavement structure, so as to master the functional requirements of different structural layers. Based on the above analysis rules, the design of the semi-rigid base asphalt pavement structure needs to first analyze the layer function of the structure, and clarify the position of the main anti-high temperature rut function layer and the main anti-fatigue functional layer. Thereby, the material design of different structural layers could be guided, and the integrated design of structure and material could be realized.

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