International Conference on Construction, Architecture and Technosphere Safety 2018
Role of anthropogenic factor in formation of hydrochemical state of the Tobol river
Oznobihina, A.O.^1 ; Oznobihina, L.A.^2
Department of Technosphere Safety, Tumen Industrial University, Lunacharsky Str., 2, Tumen
625001, Russia^1
Department of Land Management and Cadastre, Tumen Industrial University, Lunacharsky Str., 2, Tumen
625001, Russia^2
关键词: Ammonium nitrogen;    Anthropogenic factors;    Hydrochemicals;    Oil product;    Organic substances;    Priority pollutants;    Quality of water;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/451/1/012180/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1757-899X/451/1/012180
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】

The hydrochemical indicators of water quality in the Tobol River within the Tyumen Region have been determined. The priority pollutants are assessed. The study established an increased content of organic substances (BOD5) and ammonium nitrogen; high concentration of nitrites, iron, copper, zinc, phenols and petroleum products. Saturation with oxygen is 50-60%. The maximum values of zinc are fixed in section c. Korkino 10.8 times the MPC; in the areas of Yalutorovsk (above the reset level) and Yalutorovsk (below the reset level) nitrites 26.4 - 18.8 MPC, copper 8 - 9.5 MPC, oil products 26.8-20.6 MPC respectively; in the city of Tobolsk - ammonium nitrogen - 3.03 MPC, iron - 17.3 MPC; The number of phenols did not have pronounced gradations and was distributed relatively evenly in all sections - 7-10 MPC. The index of water pollution is calculated, according to which the quality of water in different sections of the river corresponds to the class from "polluted" to "extremely dirty".

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