International Conference on Construction, Architecture and Technosphere Safety 2018
Design is link in cross-disciplinary projecting
Chernyh, D.G.^1
Department of Design and Fine Arts, South Ural State University, Lenin Avenue, 76, Chelyabinsk
454080, Russia^1
关键词: Cross-disciplinary;    Cross-disciplinary research;    Educational institutions;    Foreign practices;    Industrial revolutions;    Industrialized countries;    Professional education;    Professional training;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/451/1/012173/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1757-899X/451/1/012173
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】

The article briefly describes the ways of overcoming a gap between the industry and professional training in the USSR. There are some offers of researchers about using in Russia industrialized countries' experience and elimination of this gap in the XXIth century. You can see the increasing value of design in conditions of the fourth industrial revolution. The main part of cross-disciplinary researches as the most effective form of design training is accented in this article. The relevance of experience of the USSR in development and improvement of the sphere of domestic professional education of the XXIth century is emphasized. There are some offers about integration of traditions of the higher school into the USSR and the best foreign practices for the purpose of overcoming a gap between the received skills in education and requirements of the industry express. There is a conclusion about a key role of the public technical and humanitarian higher educational institutions as integrators of innovative developments in education, industry, economy and culture in the XXIth century.

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