International Conference on Construction, Architecture and Technosphere Safety 2018
Plate load test of base taken from coal ash and slag mixture in experimental tray and on experimental section of embankment
Lunev, A.^1 ; Sirotyuk, V.^1
Department of Road Design, Siberian State Automobile and Highway University, Mira Avenue, 5, Omsk
644065, Russia^1
关键词: Deformation parameter;    Experiment Courses;    Experimental section;    Field experiment;    Plate load tests;    Slag mixtures;    Stressed state;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/451/1/012107/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1757-899X/451/1/012107
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】
The soil study in experimental trays has a number of advantages in comparison with field experiments. It is easier to create the required conditions in the laboratory, it is possible to exclude the superfluous factors influence on the experiment course. However, in a reinforced concrete tray of insufficient size, a special stressed state is created, which influence on the test results is to be taken into account additionally. The paper discusses the results of two experimental studies on the ash and slag mixture (ASM) modulus of elasticity determination: one was carried out in the experimental section of base from the ash and slag mixture; the second - in the experimental tray filled with the same ash and slag mixture. Both experiments were carried out using the same method of stamp test at the same moisture content and the compaction coefficient of the ASM. Based on the test results, the analysis of deformation parameters, determined in different conditions, is carried out. The dependences of the change in the modulus of elasticity on the moistening degree of the ASM are analyzed.
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