23rd International Conference on Manufacturing
Application possibilities of the Big Data concept in Industry 4.0
Dobos, P.^1 ; Tamás, P.^1 ; Illés, B.^1 ; Balogh, R.^1
Institute of Logistics, University of Miskolc, Hungary^1
关键词: Complex manufacturing systems;    Logistics process;    Mass production;    New applications;    Process service;    Specific cost;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/448/1/012011/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1757-899X/448/1/012011
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】

Nowadays the flexibility and specific cost of manufacturing have a relevant role in the competitiveness of the companies. In our opinion, the most important objective of Industry 4.0 is the realization of intermittent manufacturing at mass production's productivity and specific cost. This aim can be only reached by creating more complex manufacturing systems. We can collect new types of data that enable the improvement of product and process service quality. Due to the big amount of collected data's is essential to have an application possibilities of the Big Data to be able to evaluate and transform the data's in usable information. This paper introduces the essence of Industry 4.0, as well as the new application possibilities of the Big Data for increasing the efficiency of logistics processes. Possible research directions for overcoming challenges are also presented.

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