8th International Research-Technical Conference on the Problems of Designing, Construction and Use of Low Energy Housing
Defining the Polish nearly Zero Energy Building (nZEB) renovation standard
Firlg, S.^1 ; Chmielewski, A.^1
Faculty of Civil Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology, Lecha Kaczyskiego 16, Warszawa
00-637, Poland^1
关键词: Building envelopes;    Cumulative cost;    Energy needs;    Energy prices;    Non-renewable energy;    Residential building;    Time-scales;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/415/1/012001/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1757-899X/415/1/012001
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】

The paper describes the process of defining the requirements for renovation of single-family residential buildings to the nZEB standard in Polish conditions. According to the survey results the nZEB renovation standard should include only two indicators: energy need for heating QH expressed in kWh/(m2 year) and percentage reduction of the primary, non-renewable energy QP demand. Process of defining the requirements was divided into two stages: calculation of cost-optimal heat transfer coefficients for renovated elements of building envelope, calculation of cost-optimal renovation standard of the two single-family model houses. The analysis was made for three Polish cities (coldest, medium and warmest) and for 5 different energy prices. As an optimizing criterion the minimum cumulative cost was used, calculated for the 30-year time-scale for different variants of renovation.

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