2nd International conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering
Study of mechanical properties of an iron phosphorus based alloys under various aging time
Sinha, Rajiv Kumar^1 ; Thavamani, J.^1 ; Kasiraman, G.^1
Department of Mechanical Engineering, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, 603203, India^1
关键词: Aging time;    Fe-p alloys;    Moving dislocation;    Optical micrographs;    Phosphorous additions;    Powder metallurgical;    Soft magnetic properties;    Weight ratios;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/402/1/012087/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1757-899X/402/1/012087
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】

We reported to Fe-P based alloys are observed as one of the promising materials which could replace Si-steel on the basis of two factors: i) the cost of Fe-P based alloys are well expected to be about 20% lower than Fe-Si alloys. ii) Phosphorous addition enhances the soft magnetic properties of pure Fe. Elemental Fe with Fe-P and Fe-Si master alloys were taken in suitable weight ratios and induction melted to obtain Fe-0.4wt.% P-0.85wt.%Si alloy. Fe-P based alloys can be produced conventionally by powder Metallurgical route. The optical micrographs of Fe-P-Si alloys were aged at 500 °C with different aging time. Aged samples strength has increased due to the interaction of the moving dislocations with dispersed precipitates. The mechanical properties of the Fe-P-Si aged samples were increasing with aging time up to the peak aged then decrease for the over aged samples. TEM reveals the presence of two phases: Fe3P phase in α-Fe matrix phase. The sizes of the precipitates were increasing from ∼ 1.2 nm to ∼ 2.2 nm with aging time.

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