6th ModTech International Conference - Modern Technologies in Industrial Engineering
New innovative backflow marine propeller optimisation study by CFD
Stan, L.C.^1 ; Calimanescu, I.^2 ; Popa, V.^1
Faculty of Naval Electromechanics, Department Electromechanics, Constanta Maritime University, 104 Mircea cel Batran Blvd, Constanta
900663, Romania^1
Nuclear Power Plant, Cernavoda, Romania^2
关键词: Implementation cost;    Logical continuation;    Maintenance cost;    Marine propeller;    Optimisations;    Propeller efficiency;    Suction pressures;    Surface-piercing propellers;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/400/8/082018/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1757-899X/400/8/082018
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】

There were many solutions to increase the marine propellers efficiency, like Propeller Boss Cap Fins, Tip Fins, Surface Piercing Propellers, Pre and Post-Swirl Devices, Ducted Propulsors etc. All of them are supposing sometimes intricate devices involving high implementation costs and/or maintenance. The present paper is proposing a new innovative Backflow Propeller where the core element is the backflow shield (or screen) which is inbuilt in the phase of fabrication stage of the propeller claiming zero maintenance costs. This paper is coming as a logical continuation of the article where the Author demonstrated the viability of the proposed solution with a simulation very near to the real case. It is visible here that the suction pressure on the blade back is diminished, the whirlpools formed on the blade back are diverted, the jets on the backflow shield are there and working. All these are positive effects increasing the propeller efficiency. On the other hand, the leading edge of the propeller is increased, the opposing component of the jet is there and is taking its toll on the efficiency of the propeller. All these conclusions still are in need of experimental data.

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