International Conference on Recent Advancements and Effectual Researches in Engineering Science and Technology
Numerical Study of Dual Web Steel Plate Girders Under Buckling, Monotonic Load Response And Hysteresis Behaviour
Alex, Merin Maria^1 ; Mohanan, Nikhil^2 ; Kulavattom, Asha Alice^1
SJCET, Palai, India^1
FEM CFD Research and Development, Kerala, India^2
关键词: Finite element codes;    Hysteresis behaviour;    Hysteresis response;    Monotonic loading;    Numerical investigations;    Plate girder;    Railway bridges;    Steel plate girders;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/396/1/012005/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1757-899X/396/1/012005
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】

Steel Plate Girders are generally I shaped steel beams made of two or more individual steel plates which are bolted, welded or riveted to form the girder's flanges and web. Plate girders are usually used in railway bridges. Predominantly, these girders contain only a single central web plate. In this paper, we propose and study the behavior of dual parallel web girders under buckling, monotonic loading, and hysteresis response. The control beam is first modeled and validated based on experimental results and a comprehensive numerical investigation has been discussed in this paper. From the analysis results, model with 20 mm web spacing shows better performance The finite element code of ANSYS APDL 16.2 is used for modeling the test cases.

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