3rd International Conference on Materials and Manufacturing Engineering 2018
Evaluating Tensile Properties of Animal and Hybrid Fiber Reinforced Polyester Composites
Rajesh, Gunti^1 ; Hemanth Nadh, B.^1 ; Guduru, Raja Chandra Chowdary^1
Department of Mechanical Engineering, DVR and Dr.HS MIC College of Technology, Kanchikacherla
521180, India^1
关键词: Degradable composites;    Elongation at break;    Goat Hair;    Hybrid composites;    Hybrid fiber composites;    Polyester composites;    Polyester matrix;    Weight percentages;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/390/1/012011/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1757-899X/390/1/012011
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】

Partially degradable composites were made with short Goat hair at different weight percentages in polyester matrix and also hybrid composite with Madar fiber and Goat hair at different weight ratios in polyester matrix using hand layup technique. The tensile properties of goat hair-polyester composite and hybrid fiber composites were evaluated. From the results, it is observed that the tensile strength of goat hair-polyester composite was increased up to a fiber content of 7.5% (24.7 MPa) and then reduced with further fiber addition in the composite. The strength of hybrid composite is increased up to 12.5% (27 MPa) madar fiber and goat hair loading and then reduced with further hybrid fiber loading. The strength of hybrid composite is 9.31% higher than the goat hair fiber composite. The tensile modulus is increased in both the composites with increase in fiber loading. The tensile modulus of goat hair fiber reinforced composite at 15% of fiber loading is high and the value is 367 MPa and for hybrid fiber it is 444.13 MPa at 15% of hybrid fiber loading which is 21.01% higher than the goat hair fiber composite. The %Elongation at break of goat hair fiber composite gradually decreased and higher value of elongation is obtained at 2.5% of the fiber loading. For the hybrid fiber it is first increased and then decreased to 4.4% at 15% of fiber loading.

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