2018 International Joint Conference on Materials Science and Mechanical Engineering
Design and implementation of seawater eco distillatory using parabolic solar concentrator and photovoltaic pump for isolated island
Soeprijanto, A.^1 ; Putra, D.F.U.^1 ; Suyanto^1 ; Hidayatullah, A.R.^1 ; Hadi, A.^1 ; Yusrina, A.Q.^1 ; Wicaksana, F.S.^1 ; Adinda, E.W.^1 ; Choiri, M.A.^1 ; Baihaqi, M.^1
Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Electrical Technology, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember ITS, Surabaya
60111, Indonesia^1
关键词: Boiler temperature;    Clean waters;    Current situation;    Design and implementations;    Human population;    Isolated islands;    Polluted water;    Solar-powered;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/383/1/012061/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1757-899X/383/1/012061
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】
Water is a primary human need. Of the total fresh water in the world, less than 1% are ready to drink and 11% of the total human population cannot achieve it. WHO/UNICEF by 2015 reports there are nearly 750 million people in the world who still have inadequate drinking water. The current condition is also occurs in the Ay Island which located in Banda Naira Islands, Central Maluku, Indonesia. Ay Island residents have to travel for 4 hours to the main island of Banda Naira to buy clean water. To overcome the current situation, the government have tried to provide clean water by building a $4 billion dam project in 2016. However, the dam project is not able to meet the needs of the resident because of the polluted water. In this research is proposed an Eco Water Treatment by using Parabolic Solar Concentrator and Photovoltaic Pump. This method consists of two main parts, PV Sea Water Pump and Solar PV-Distillator. The PV Pump is used to deliver water from the sea to the boiler, while the solar-powered distillator converts sea water into fresh water. Fresh water generated from the distillator have the same content as the Indonesian Minister of Health's standard. The system can provide clean water for 50 liter continuously based on capacity of the boiler each day depend on the weather and the temperature. From the experiment, proven that solar concentrator could increase the boiler temperature up to 300oC to boil the seawater and produce clean water.
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