Euroinvent ICIR 2018
The Taguchi Method Application to Improve the Quality of a Sustainable Process
Titu, A.M.^1 ; Sandu, A.V.^2 ; Pop, A.B.^3 ; Titu, S.^4 ; Ciungu, T.C.^5
Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Victoriei Street, 10, Sibiu, Romania^1
Gheorghe Asachi Technical University, Dimitrie Manjeron, 67, Iasi, Romania^2
SC TEHNOCAD SA, Vasile Alecsandri Street, 72, Baia Mare, Romania^3
Oncology Institute Prof. Dr. Ion Chiricu, 34-36, Republicii Street, Cluj Napoca, Romania^4
SC Construcii SA, Morilor Street, 51, Sibiu, Romania^5
关键词: Engineering techniques;    Experimental methods;    Experimental research;    Experimental techniques;    Experimental-statistical models;    Main technical parameters;    Sustainability principles;    Technical experiments;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/374/1/012054/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1757-899X/374/1/012054
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】

Taguchi's method has always been a method used to improve the quality of the analyzed processes and products. This research shows an unusual situation, namely the modeling of some parameters, considered technical parameters, in a process that is wanted to be durable by improving the quality process and by ensuring quality using an experimental research method. Modern experimental techniques can be applied in any field and this study reflects the benefits of interacting between the agriculture sustainability principles and the Taguchi's Method application. The experimental method used in this practical study consists of combining engineering techniques with experimental statistical modeling to achieve rapid improvement of quality costs, in fact seeking optimization at the level of existing processes and the main technical parameters. The paper is actually a purely technical research that promotes a technical experiment using the Taguchi method, considered to be an effective method since it allows for rapid achievement of 70 to 90% of the desired optimization of the technical parameters. The missing 10 to 30 percent can be obtained with one or two complementary experiments, limited to 2 to 4 technical parameters that are considered to be the most influential. Applying the Taguchi's Method in the technique and not only, allowed the simultaneous study in the same experiment of the influence factors considered to be the most important in different combinations and, at the same time, determining each factor contribution.

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