Euroinvent ICIR 2018
Dynamic Impact Behaviour of High Entropy Alloys Used in the Military Domain
Geant, V.^1 ; Voiculescu, I.^1 ; Stefnoiu, R.^1 ; Chereches, T.^2 ; Zecheru, T.^3 ; Matache, L.^3 ; Rotariu, A.^4
Politehnica University of Bucharest, 313 Splaiul Independenei, Bucharest
060042, Romania^1
UPS PILOT ARM, 2 Laminorului Street, Târgoviste
137210, Romania^2
Scientific Research Center, CRBN Defence and Ecology Bucharest, 225 Oltenitei Road, Bucharest
041309, Romania^3
Military Technical Academy, 39-49 George Cobuc Boulevard, Bucharest
05014, Romania^4
关键词: Armour-piercing bullets;    Chemical compositions;    Dynamic impacts;    Dynamical behaviours;    High entropy alloys;    Military domains;    Research papers;    Strength characteristics;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/374/1/012041/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1757-899X/374/1/012041
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】

AlFeCrCoNi high entropy alloys (HEA) feature significant compressive strength characteristics, being usable for severe impact applications in the military domain. The research paper presents the results obtained by testing the impact resistance of four HEA samples of different chemical compositions at perforation with 7.62 mm calibre incendiary armour-piercing bullets. The dynamical behaviour was modelled by numerical simulation based on the results of the dynamic tests conducted in the firing range, thus allowing the development of more efficient high entropy alloys, to be used for collective/personal protection.

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