2018 3rd International Conference on Building Materials and Construction
Disaster Resilience: A Sustainable Way for Niue
Freddie, Anthony^1 ; De Sylva, Shenuka^1
School of Architecture, Victoria University of Wellington, NZ, New Zealand^1
关键词: Case study approach;    Community resiliences;    Community-based studies;    Development project;    Disaster preparedness;    Disaster resiliences;    Methods and materials;    Sustainable solution;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/371/1/012049/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1757-899X/371/1/012049
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】
The increasing frequency of natural hazards and disasters, due to climate change, severely compromises Niue's fragile economy and its future as a sovereign nation. Sustainable measures to building resilience and preventing natural hazards from turning into disasters are urgently needed to reverse Niue's population decline. Urban renewal and development projects formulated based on individual's experiences, outdated attitudes and approaches, or research conducted through pan-Pasifika and western lenses, and without the necessary policy controls, have severely compromised the safety of people and property. The dearth of research on sustainable and resilient planning, design and building practices, suited to the unique conditions of Niue and its people aggravate this situation. The paper presents traditional solutions and key findings from community-based studies conducted in Niue and from disaster preparedness and community resilience research in the Asia Pacific region. Using a case study approach the paper discusses new and sustainable solutions, methods and materials that are economically viable and practical, and resonate with local people, traditions, practices and the place. The aim of the paper is to demonstrate the opportunities that exist locally for devising and designing sustainable solutions to Niue's problems.
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