2018 3rd Asia Conference on Power and Electrical Engineering
Numerical Simulation Studies on the Influence of Metallurgical Contamination on the Electric Field of RTV Coating
Shen, Yang^1 ; Mu, Lin^2 ; Yuan, Xiaoqing^2 ; Wang, Xiao^1 ; Zhou, Kai^1 ; Yan, Jing^2 ; Hao, Lu^2 ; Li, Ji^1
State Grid Anhui Electric Power Maintenance Branch, Hefei
230061, China^1
Wuhan Fenjin Electric Power Technology Co., LTD, Wuhan
430205, China^2
关键词: Chemical tests;    Conductive particle;    Contamination layers;    Distribution of electric fields;    Exhausted gas;    Metallurgical industry;    Numerical simulation studies;    Simulation model;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/366/1/012071/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1757-899X/366/1/012071
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】

The metallurgical industry in China has developed rapidly, which has caused an increasing amount of exhausted gas emission. After a long period of operation, a layer of metallurgical contamination is deposited on the surface of insulators near the metal work, which may have an effect on the distribution of electric field on the surface of insulator. The chemical test indicates that the metallurgical contamination layer contains particles of Fe3O4with strong conductivity, which may become suspended potential conductor. In this paper, the influence of thickness of contamination layer and diameter, arrangement of conductive particles on the electric field are discussed by the simulation model.

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