12th Joint Conference on Chemistry
Comparison of Conventional and Microwave-assisted Synthesis of Benzimidazole Derivative from Citronellal in Kaffir lime oil (Citrus hystrix DC.)
Warsito, W.^1,2 ; Noorhamdani, A.S.^3 ; Suratmo^1,2 ; Sapri, R Dwi^1,2 ; Alkaroma, D.^1 ; Azhar, A.Z.^1
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Brawijaya University, Jl Veteran Malang, 65145, Indonesia^1
Essential Oil's Institute, Brawijaya University, Jl Veteran Malang, 65145, Indonesia^2
Department of Medical Faculty, Brawijaya University, Jl Veteran Malang, 65145, Indonesia^3
关键词: 13C NMR spectroscopy;    Benzimidazole derivatives;    Benzimidazoles;    Conventional heating;    Conventional synthesis;    Microwave assisted;    Microwave assisted synthesis;    SIMPLE method;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/349/1/012069/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1757-899X/349/1/012069
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】

Simple method has been used for the synthesis of benzimidazole derivative from citronellal in kaffir lime oil under microwave irradiation. These compounds were synthesized also by conventional heating for comparison. In addtion, microwave-assited synthesis was also compared between using to dichloromethane and methanol solvents with variation of reaction time for 30 to 70 minutes and 4 to 12 h for conventional heating. The 2-citronellyl benzimidazole compound synthesized were characterised by FT-IR, GC-MS,1H and13C NMR spectroscopy. Comparison between conventional and microwave-assisted synthesis was done by comparing between correlation of reaction time and percentage yield. The time optimum of microwave-assisted and conventional synthesis using dichloromethane solvent respectively at 60 minutes (yield 19.23%) and 8 hours (yield 11.54%). In addition, microwave-assited synthesis increasing 157.81 times compared by conventional heating. While using methanol solvent tends to increase linearly however the percentage of yield only 0.77 times of synthesis using dichloromethane solvent.

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Comparison of Conventional and Microwave-assisted Synthesis of Benzimidazole Derivative from Citronellal in Kaffir lime oil (Citrus hystrix DC.) 184KB PDF download
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