International Conference on Advanced Materials for Better Future 2017
Infrastructure performance of irrigation canal to irrigation efficiency of irrigation area of Candi Limo in Mojokerto District
Kisnanto, S.^1 ; Hadiani, R.R.R.^1 ; Ikhsan, C.^1
Master Program of Civil Engineering, Sebelas Maret University, Jl. Ir. Sutami 36A, Surakarta, Indonesia^1
关键词: Design implementation;    Efficiency analysis;    Existing problems;    Irrigation efficiency;    Performance aspects;    Performance based;    Performance value;    Physical conditions;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/333/1/012096/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1757-899X/333/1/012096
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】

Performance is a measure of infrastructure success in delivering the benefits corresponding it's design implementation. Debit efficiency is a comparison between outflow debit and inflow debit. Irrigation canal performance is part of the overall performance aspects of an irrigation area. The greater of the canal performance will be concluded that the canal is increasingly able to meet the planned benefits, need to be seen its comparison between the performance and debit efficiency of the canal. The existing problems in the field that the value of the performance of irrigation canals are not always comparable to the debit efficiency. This study was conducted to describe the relationship between the performance of the canal to the canal debit efficiency. The study was conducted at Candi Limo Irrigation Area in Mojokerto Disctrict under the authority of Pemerintahan Provinsi Jawa Timur. The primary canal and secondary canal are surveyed to obtain data. The physical condition of the primary and secondary canals into the material of this study also. Primary and secondary canal performance based on the physical condition in the field. Measurement inflow and outflow debit into the data for the calculation of the debit efficiency. The instrument used in this study such as the current meter for debit measurements in the field as a solution when there is a building measure in the field were damaged, also using the meter and the camera. Permen PU No.32 is used to determine the value of the performance of the canal, while the efficiency analysis to calculate a comparison value between outflow and inflow debit. The process of data running processing by performing the measurement and calculation of the performance of the canal, the canal debit efficiency value calculation, and display a graph of the relationship between the value of the performance with the debit efficiency in each canal. The expected results of this study that the performance value on the primary canal in the range of 0 to 100 % with debit efficiency value in the range of 0 to 100 %, while for the secondary canal 1 has a performance range between 0 to 100% with efficiency ranges between 0 to 100%, the performance of the secondary canals 2 ranges between 0 to 100% with efficiencies ranging from 0 to 100%, the secondary canal 3 performance ranges between 0 to 100% efficiency ranges between 0 to 100%, the secondary canal 4 performance ranges between 0 to 100% efficiency ranges between 0 to 100% and secondary canals 5 performance ranges between 0 to 100% efficiency ranges between 0 to 100%. For the tendency to expect from the performance and efficiency of the debit canal can have a proportional clockwise or counterclockwise, which amount can be random. The tendency to be graphed the relationship between performance and efficiency of the debit of each segment studied canal.

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