3rd International Conference on Communication Systems
ComVisMD - compact visualization of multidimensional data: experimenting with cricket players data
Dandin, Shridhar B^1 ; Ducassé, Mireille^2
BKBIET-Pilani, Rajasthan
333031, India^1
IRISA-INSA Rennes, France^2
关键词: Analytical database;    Database information;    Geographical information;    Graphical representations;    Multidimensional data;    Population densities;    Statistical variables;    Vertical direction;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/331/1/012006/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1757-899X/331/1/012006
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】

Database information is multidimensional and often displayed in tabular format (row/column display). Presented in aggregated form, multidimensional data can be used to analyze the records or objects. Online Analytical database Processing (OLAP) proposes mechanisms to display multidimensional data in aggregated forms. A choropleth map is a thematic map in which areas are colored in proportion to the measurement of a statistical variable being displayed, such as population density. They are used mostly for compact graphical representation of geographical information. We propose a system, ComVisMD inspired by choropleth map and the OLAP cube to visualize multidimensional data in a compact way. ComVisMD displays multidimensional data like OLAP Cube, where we are mapping an attribute a (first dimension, e.g. year started playing cricket) in vertical direction, object coloring based on b (second dimension, e.g. batting average), mapping varying-size circles based on attribute c (third dimension, e.g. highest score), mapping numbers based on attribute d (fourth dimension, e.g. matches played). We illustrate our approach on cricket players data, namely on two tables Country and Player. They have a large number of rows and columns: 246 rows and 17 columns for players of one country. ComVisMD's visualization reduces the size of the tabular display by a factor of about 4, allowing users to grasp more information at a time than the bare table display.

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