2017 International Conference on Aerospace Technology, Communications and Energy Systems
Production of Space-rocket Technique: Psychological Factor
Vashchuk, S.P.^1 ; Sviderskiy, O.A.^1 ; Ezhova, O.N.^2 ; Rovenskaya, V.V.^3
Samara University, st.Moskovskoe tr. 34, Samara
443086, Russia^1
Samara Law Institute of the Federal Service for the Execution of Punishments of Russia, st.Rylskaya 24 V, Samara
443022, Russia^2
Donbass State Engineering Academy, st.Akademicheskaya 72, Kramatorsk
84313, Ukraine^3
关键词: Coping strategies;    Physical conditions;    Production activity;    Psychological factors;    Space rockets;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/302/1/012064/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1757-899X/302/1/012064
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】
The article is devoted to the issues of studying the mental and physical condition of the shop workers who assemble carrier rockets and ways of processing their internal conflicts. It is shown that the complexity of the ongoing labor processes, the intensity of production activities and the responsibility for its end result lead to a high level of neurotic workers. The tendency to a long experience of a stressful situation helps them to increase the level of various forms of aggression and create a negative assessment of their official capabilities and successes. It is established that the duration of experiencing a stressful situation depends on coping strategies in the behavioral and emotional spheres.
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