5th Annual International Conference on Material Science and Environmental Engineering
Heavy Metal Contaminated Soil Imitation Biological Treatment Overview
Pan, Chang^1 ; Chen, Jun^2 ; Wu, Ke^3 ; Zhou, Zhongkai^1 ; Cheng, Tingting^1
Department of Biological and Environmental Engineering, Hefei University, Hefei
230601, China^1
Anhui Key Laboratory of Sewage Purification and Ecological Rehabilitation Materials, Hefei
230601, China^2
Collab. Innov. Ctr. for Environmental Pollution Control and Ecological Restoration of Anhui Province, Hefei University, Hefei
230601, China^3
关键词: Adsorbent materials;    Adsorption mechanism;    Biological treatment;    Heavy metal contaminated soils;    Heavy metal pollution;    Heavy metals in soil;    Selective absorption;    Soil heavy metals;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/301/1/012113/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1757-899X/301/1/012113
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】
In this paper, the treatment methods of heavy metal pollution in soils were analyzed, the existence and transformation of heavy metals in soil were explored, and the mechanism of heavy metal absorption by plants was studied. It was concluded that the main form of plants absorb heavy metals in the soil is exchangeable. The main mechanism was that the plant cell wall can form complex with heavy metals, so that heavy metals fixed on the cell wall, and through the selective absorption of plasma membrane into the plant body. In addition, the adsorption mechanism of the adsorbed material was analyzed. According to the results of some researchers, it was found that the mechanism of adsorption of heavy metals was similar to that of plants. According to this, using adsorbent material as the main material, Imitate the principle of plant absorption of heavy metals in the soil to removing heavy metals in the soil at one-time and can be separated from the soil after adsorption to achieve permanent removal of heavy metals in the soil was feasibility.
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