International Nuclear Science, Technology and Engineering Conference 2017
Study on the irradiation effect towards water filtration element
Abu Bakar, Asyraf Arif^1 ; Pauzi, Anas Muhamad^1 ; Mujaini, M.^1 ; Mohamed, Abdul Aziz^1 ; Idris, Faridah Mohamad^2
College of Engineering, Universiti Tenaga Nasional, Jalan IKRAM-UNITEN, Selangor Kajang
43000, Malaysia^1
Reactor Technology Centre, Malaysian Nuclear Agency, Bangi, Selangor Kajang
43000, Malaysia^2
关键词: Filtering elements;    Irradiation effect;    Material compositions;    Mechanical damages;    Neutron and gamma irradiation;    Neutron fluences;    Physical effects;    Strong correlation;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/298/1/012024/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1757-899X/298/1/012024
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】

Gamma and neutron irradiation effect on material had been studied intensively. It was proven that there are strong correlation between neutron fluence and physical and mechanical damage of materials. The paper is part of the project to study the use of neutron and gamma irradiation to increase the effectiveness of simple water filtration element which are mostly sands and paper or pulp. Studies on irradiation effect on these element are compiled and analyze its changes from atomic structure to physical properties. On the atomic level, the change in atomic structure are relatively similar to the effect of irradiation on any solid, but with slight difference due to different in material composition and grain structure. Change in chemical properties might be less prominent but the change in grain size and its ability to filter water may be different. List of publication on previous experiments conducted on irradiating filtering element are compiled to provide basic idea on the parameters needed to provide significant changes. As a conclusion, the paper provides a preliminary correlation between the fluence and energy level of irradiation with the physical effects towards these filtration element, hence will be used to analyze events leads to change in filtering effectiveness upon irradiation.

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