8th TSME-International Conference on Mechanical Engineering
Mind map learning for advanced engineering study: case study in system dynamics
Woradechjumroen, Denchai^1
Department of Mechanical System Engineering and Industrial Innovation, School of Engineering, Sripatum University, Bangkok
10900, Thailand^1
关键词: Advanced engineerings;    Engineering systems;    Final examinations;    Learning performance;    Outcome evaluation;    Physical equations;    Polytechnic Schools;    Problem based learning;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/297/1/012054/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1757-899X/297/1/012054
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】
System Dynamics (SD) is one of the subjects that were use in learning Automatic Control Systems in dynamic and control field. Mathematical modelling and solving skills of students for engineering systems are expecting outcomes of the course which can be further used to efficiently study control systems and mechanical vibration; however, the fundamental of the SD includes strong backgrounds in Dynamics and Differential Equations, which are appropriate to the students in governmental universities that have strong skills in Mathematics and Scientifics. For private universities, students are weak in the above subjects since they obtained high vocational certificate from Technical College or Polytechnic School, which emphasize the learning contents in practice. To enhance their learning for improving their backgrounds, this paper applies mind maps based problem based learning to relate the essential relations of mathematical and physical equations. With the advantages of mind maps, each student is assigned to design individual mind maps for self-leaning development after they attend the class and learn overall picture of each chapter from the class instructor. Four problems based mind maps learning are assigned to each student. Each assignment is evaluated via mid-term and final examinations, which are issued in terms of learning concepts and applications. In the method testing, thirty students are tested and evaluated via student learning backgrounds in the past. The result shows that well-design mind maps can improve learning performance based on outcome evaluation. Especially, mind maps can reduce time-consuming and reviewing for Mathematics and Physics in SD significantly.
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