2nd International Conference on New Material and Chemical Industry
Breakdown characteristics of SF6/N2 in severely non-uniform electric fields at low temperatures
Wang, Y.^1 ; Gao, Z.W.^1 ; Li, G.X.^1 ; Zhu, X.C.^1 ; Yu, C.L.^1 ; Liang, J.Q.^1 ; Li, L.^1
State Grid Heilongjiang Electric Power Company Limited Electric Power Research Institute, Heilongjiang Province, Harbin, China^1
关键词: Breakdown characteristics;    Electrical equipment;    Electrical insulating properties;    Experimental platform;    Guiding significances;    Insulating properties;    Liquefaction temperatures;    Nonuniform electric field;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/292/1/012044/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1757-899X/292/1/012044
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】
SF6has good electrical insulating properties, which is widely used as an insulating medium of GIS, GIL and other electrical equipment. However, the reliability of electrical equipment insulated gas is greatly challenged in cold areas, since SF6more readily liquefies. To solve the problem, SF6can be mixed with N2to maintain the insulating properties, and reduce its liquefaction temperature. Such practice has certain application prospect. In this paper, a breakdown experimental platform was built to study the insulating property of SF6/N2at low temperature, wherein the temperature of the platform can be adjusted. A severely non-uniform electric field was generated by a rod-plate electrode. The breakdown characteristics of SF6/N2with different mixing proportions at low pressures and low temperatures were measured. The result showed that the mixed gas was not liquefied within the temperature range. Temperature had insignificant influence on the insulating property thereof. The result in the paper has certain guiding significance for applying SF6/N2mixed gas in high latitude areas.
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